Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Eve

Twas the night before the night before Christmas...

Our plans this Christmas have had to change a little bit. Originally, we were going to celebrate Christmas Eve with Dave's side of the family in Nashville. Then we'd wake up Christmas morning in our own house and open stockings and presents with just the three of us. After that, we'd drive down to Alabama for Christmas evening with my side of the family.

Apparently, however, Mother Nature is a bitch who wants the first white Christmas in 17 years (and even then it was 3/10th of an inch). Bah humbug. The snow would be all well and good if we weren't going anywhere. In fact, it'd be downright fantastic. But we want to drive 2 hours that day, darn it.

So now we're probably driving down tomorrow evening. Which means we'll get up early (we're always up early), have our Christmas (Eve) morning with the three of us, pack up the car, drive to Dave's dad's house for Christmas there, then drive 2-3 hours to Alabama that evening.

Whew. I'm already exhausted just thinking about it.

But it's G's first Christmas and I'm so freakin' excited I can't stand it. I'm not sure how he'll handle all the fuss. Maybe he'll have a meltdown. That could happen. Or maybe he'll just give me one of these faces.

Maybe it won't be this one. This is about as apathetic as you can get.

Maybe he'll blow some raspberries. He's fond of those lately. Today he started adding some hissing to it. That's an attractive noise, G.

Maybe he'll be too preoccupied with his fingers to notice the flurry of activity around him. He does love those fingers.

Maybe he'll just go blank.

 Maybe he'll give me a bit of a deer-in-headlights. Or is that a face of wonderment? Who knows.

Or maybe he'll contemplate how to steal all the presents for himself.

He does like to do the whole staring-down-at-you-from-my-nose face.

Most of all, I hope he smiles. His whole face lights up. His eyes positively smile. My son has the most gorgeous smile in the world.

Not that I'm biased or anything.

I'm off until sometime after Christmas. Then I'll be back with lots of pics of our first Christmas as a family of three!

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