Monday, December 6, 2010

unamused g is unamused

Today, Grayson had his six-month doctor checkup. He's 27 1/2 inches (80-90th%) and 18 1/2 lbs (65-75%). He shot up in the percentile for height after being in the 50% since he was pretty much born. I thought he had longer legs. He was born with short stub legs, and then suddenly whoosh they popped out there.

He got all of his regular shots, which always breaks my heart. He did really good though. Except later today he was obviously hurting a lot. I tried everything to get him to calm down. A dose of Tylenol helped, but only after I gave him back the boob and he succumbed to sleep again.  We put him to bed a little earlier, so I'm hoping he gets some much-needed rest.

I feel so bad because the middle finger of his left hand has a sore place on the tip that has gotten infected. We had just noticed it right before the appointment so the doc looked at it. I had noticed it was red and swollen a few days ago, but left it alone to see if it got worse. And it did. It looks awful. The doc said it was because he was chewing on his hands a lot; his thumb looks like it's heading in the same direction. So we have to put some antibiotic cream on it and hope it gets better or he has to have oral antibiotics. I definitely want to stay away from those! They make me nervous with the threat of thrust, diaper rash, and upset stomach on G's part.

Then, as the hubs was reading to him a little before bed, G got a paper cut that bled when he grabbed the book! Right near the infected spot on his poor injured finger! I felt so horrible. Poor fingy. He screamed bloody murder, too.

I took the picture below a few days ago, but I think it sums up G's day perfectly.

Unamused reindeer-baby is unamused.

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