So I had a baby. June 4th. Am working on a post about that, but I certainly have been distracted for the past, er, eight months. I love my little babycake, especially when he gives me smiles like this:
He's only two months old, but he smiles and coos like crazy. He's so cute!
Ahem, anyway, I'm returning to work in a week, hence why I'm up at 5am today. My hubby and I are doing a trial run of our mornings today to see how it goes. It went well even though Grayson decided to get up at 3 and not go back to sleep until 7. Ouch. So I'm existing on about 5 hours of sleep right now. In any case, it does mean I have some free time, so here I am.
And, some lists.
Reasons I Look Forward to Work
- It's only two days a week for four hours, so it's not like I'll be separated from my little bugger for very long. But it'll be enough time that I feel like I'm getting out of the house for a bit.
- The chance to talk to adults in a normal voice. I don't baby-talk Grayson, but he does respond to tones. I think my students wouldn't appreciate a high-pitched and way too excited "Who's a good student? Yes, you are!"
- Man to man bonding time. I'm so happy that Dave can take care of Grayson while I'm at work.
- Things to do other than take care of a baby. It is sad that I'm looking forward to having things to grade?
- Money! I haven't had a paycheck in a while, and having that money to help pay for the 20 diapers a day that Grayson goes through will be helpful. (He has a very sensitive tushy.)
- Waking up at 5am. Grayson still doesn't have the whole sleeping through the night thing down yet. He normally sleeps from 8:30-3, if we're lucky, but it can be difficult to get him to go back to sleep for a while after that. We're used to getting out of bed at 6-7:30, which usually gives a bit more time for sleep.
- Pumping. I hate hate hate pumping. I'm not very good at it so I don't get many ounces, which means I have to do it often. But we don't want to supplement with formula, so there you go. I really love breastfeeding. Even with all the problems, it's been easier than I thought it'd be. In any case, I'm happy to be able to feed my child even while I'm away, but don't enjoy the process.
- Teaching long classes. This means I don't get to eat much but a snack between them if I'm lucky. I also won't get to eat lunch until near noon. I'm breastfeeding and pumping, which means I'm thirsty and hungry all of the time. And I do mean all of the time.
- Wearing work clothes. I've existed in pjs for two months now. It's a transition!
- Being away from Grayson. I get so exhausted taking care of him sometimes, but I miss him terribly when I'm gone even for an hour. He's my babycake, my cuddle-bug. He makes the best faces and loves to be held and talked to.