Sunday, July 17, 2011

G's DADDY pics

I meant to blog about this a long time ago, but I wanted to share the pictures I took of G for the hubs's second Father's Day. It's really his first, since G was tiny at his first Father's Day, and I was still too sick with preeclampsia to celebrate it properly.

I had a frame with six picture slots, some horizontal and some vertical. D-A-D-D-Y is only five pictures, so I just took a pic of G smiling for the final one. We went to the zoo, which I knew would have some great light for me and a big open space. I got the white wooden letters at Michael's.

G cooperated splendidly. I didn't want something perfect, with him just sitting there and smiling the whole time. I think this set of pics suits his personally.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

g's one year professional pics!

A couple weeks ago, we had our one year session with Chris and Adrienne Scott. This was the final part of our series with these amazing photographers, after G's newborn, four month, and eight month pics. We went off to the Nashville zoo for this photo shoot since this place means so much to us.

There are a ton of pics in this post, but it was really hard for me to narrow it down to even just these!

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