Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I did it!

I made it a month of blogging every day! And I didn't go crazy!

NaBloPoMo is officially over by the end of today. I have to say that I'm more than a little excited that I don't have to blog every evening, when what I really want to do - after the babe goes to bed and I finish any homework and I work on some grading and lesson planning - is lay down with the hubs and watch some good ol' TV.

I love me some TV. It's the ultimate easy into nighttime transition for me. Plus, I get to watch all the adult stuff that I don't let the little one see. (No, not that adult, perv.)

How did my month go? Here's a recap of my 30 days:

1: introduction
2: my nasty halloween of everything-went-wrong
3: more pics of G the dragon
4: celebrating 17-months-old with nekkid pictures
5: the scary card from gramma
6: the day we took G to the emergency room aka the day I almost died from worry
8: 5 icky things
9: some person evaluates my kid's speech
10: yeeeaaahhhhhh!
11: I still hope I'll one day be a good mama
12: impatiently waiting for Christmas
13: a wish on 11/11/11
14: the hubs guest-blogs on being a working father!
15: a silly toddler laugh
16: the day spaghetti went everywhere
17: the kiddo poses
18: me when I was preggo (and huge)
19: a weird list of what I'm thankful for
20: teething makes me want to pull my hair out and LOVE ME
21: oh how I miss the ocean
22: a video of G as a newborn - more cuteness than I can handle
23: the eve of Thanksgiving and G with his great-grand'rents
24: happy thanksgiving!
25: a few recipes that we enjoy to try
26: stressing about money but looking toward Christmastime hope
27: when we painted our kitchen
28: the hubs guest-blogs on (hopefully) raising a future geek
29: the best baby kisses of my life

I'll of course still be blogging, but it'll dwindle back down to the usual twice a week levels. I've got a lot to post coming up as we head into the holidays.

Goodbye, NaBloPoMo! I sorta kinda mostly won't miss you.

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